Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Due to rave critic and audience reviews that have resulted in sold out shows, we're extending our season opener, Robert Hewett's The Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Redhead. You now have until October 25th to see Suzi Regan knock it out of the park with chameleon-like skills and ability to transform into quite the collection of characters.

I just wanted to take a moment to touch on the experience that a viewer has while watching this show. The structure of the play is great for "manipulating" the audience, for lack of a better word (well, "engaging" might actually BE that better word...). Because the story unfolds through a series of monologues, it starts to become a guessing game about who we'll see next and what the REAL story is. You see, as we hear each person's perspective, we are with them, in the moment, lapping up every morsel they have to tell us -- until the next person comes along and the previous character is suddenly old news.

The last time that I watched a performance, it was so interesting to hear pockets of conversation* all over the theatre, between scenes, with people hedging their bets on who the next shadowed character behind the screen will be, and what bomb they're going to drop.

If you've seen the show, leave a comment and share your experience. We'd love to hear from you.

*Performance Network does not encourage or condone conversation during a live show...but sometimes you just gotta do it.

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