Thursday, January 21, 2010

"On belay?"

Hey everyone! It's Maria, one of the apprentices here and the production assistant of K2. I just thought that I'd share a little bit of what things are like at "27,000 ft" here at PNT. This show has been a really great experience for me, from our first day of rehearsal at Planet Rock learning about the proper way to belay someone, up to the first show where we got some great feedback from our audience!

Let me start off by saying that John Manfredi and James Bowen are really great. Not only is it demanding to convey the effects of being 27,000 ft up in the air (with oxygen deprivation, exhaustion, and cold) but they have to do it while actually climbing and belaying up our ice wall. And I'll let you in on a little secret, it's no easy climb to do, although John does a fantastic job of making it seem like it's something he's been doing all his life.

We all owe Chris Lemons (our rock climbing consultant from Planet Rock) our lives since he's helped us figure out how to do climbs and falls both safely and accurately from the first day on stage. I was a little frightened knowing that I was going to be belaying the guys at the top of the show when I couldn't even see them, but Chris and lots of rehearsal helped set my mind at ease. One of the greatest compliments I've heard is from actual mountain climbers saying how realistic John's portrayal is.

Building the set has also been a journey. Technical Director, Janine Woods broke her leg (sledding, not mountain climbing) but still managed with her small army of volunteers to construct the second largest mountain in the world. I sometimes wish the audience got a chance to walk backstage and see all the bracing holding the climbing wall up and the giant staircase leading to the top platform where the guys fall from at the top of the show, it really is quite a sight.

I really couldn't say enough wonderful things about everyone that's worked together to make this show possible but I don't want to get too long-winded gushing about the cast and crew. I just want to encourage everyone to see this fantastic show about friendship and the crazy dreams that we all aspire to accomplish in our lives.
"Belay on!"

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